Sedona is a mix of our family and working lines. She is a truly devoted dog and very intent on pleasing you. She is extremely agile and excels in many competition venues! She is a quiet dog with an easy going, happy spirit. Focused on the tasks asked of her and always ready to work for you. She learns extremely quick and offers behaviors with an excellent work ethic.
Sedona loves children and is a very sweet and gentle dog!
Sedona's pups will make excellent therapy dogs, competition dogs, trick dogs, personal buddies, or all around family dogs!
Sedona is red factored
Sedona is AKC and ASCA registered
40's at mature weight
19" at shoulder
Sedona will have Blue/ Red merles and Red/ Black tri's with blue, or amber colored eyes
Sedona is CLEAR of being AFFECTED by any Australian Shepherd genetic defects.